New Year's Day

New Year’s Day

So it’s New Year’s Day 2025, which is coming up soon, on 1 January. Like every year, the start of this year will also be celebrated magnificently across the globe. However, do you know about the History of this celebration, how many countries celebrate it, and how you can celebrate it? 

If you don’t, this short article is worth reading. I’ll walk you through everything about it and how you can make it more special for you and your loved ones.

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Importance of Celebrating the Start of the Year

New Year's Day

There’s a lot of importance to this day. It’s a way of forgetting all the bad things that happened in the past and setting new goals for the future. It’s a day on which we all celebrate our successes, failures, and losses to keep moving ahead. At the start of the year, everyone comes together, has parties, and spends quality time with one another. 

The thing that makes this celebration even more important is that it connects people, whether on social media or in person. However, what’s the history of the starting year celebration? Let’s talk about this now.

What is the History of the New Year?

New Year's Day

Human civilization has been celebrating the start of the Year for decades. The Babylonians, Egyptians, and Romans were among the ancient civilizations that celebrated rebirth and renewal, recognizing life’s cyclical nature. The Babylonians celebrated the start of the Year at the vernal equinox, around 4,000 years ago, when nature was reborn.

The Romans named January 1st the start of the year due to Janus, the god of beginnings. Our fascination with time and desire for a fresh start has made This celebration a timeless tradition embraced by cultures worldwide. 

How Many Countries Of The World Celebrate The Start of The Year?

New Year's Day

Not an exact number of countries celebrate new, but it’s celebrated in almost all of the world’s countries. There are 195 countries worldwide, and almost all celebrate this day.

The new year isn’t a traditional festival but a universal one as it happens worldwide. The countries where the New Year’s celebrations are done the most are the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and many European and Asian nations.

When is New Year’s Day 2024,2025,2026?

New Year's Day 2024: A Celebration of Hope and Renewal

So, what’s the Happy New Year’s date for 2024? The dates of the start of the year are the same all over the world, but the day may be different. I’ve given the dates for New Year’s Eve 2024, 2025, and 2026 below so that you can get a clue as to when exactly this day will be celebrated.

2024January 1Monday
2025January 1Wednesday
2026January 1Thursday

These are all dates, and they’ll be the same throughout the country. What do people do to celebrate the start of the year?

How to Celebrate the start of the year

The celebration of the start of the year 2024 will be done in a lot of different ways. I’ll go over each method one by one.

1. Fireworks and Countdowns

New Year's Day 2024: A Celebration of Hope and Renewal

You may also know that the most common way of celebrating the start of the year in almost all of the country is to illuminate the cities or a particular point and then do the fireworks. Also, there is a countdown of 10 seconds before 12. a.m., which you might also have seen at the start of 2020. That countdown is also called the New Year’s Eve countdown.

2. Family Gatherings and Feasts

New Year's Day 2024: A Celebration of Hope and Renewal

All the families come together and have parties in restaurants or at home. All of the families share their stories of the past year, what went wrong and what could have been better, and set goals to improve the upcoming year.

3. New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's Day

Many individuals embrace the tradition of setting resolutions outlining personal goals and aspirations for the upcoming year. It’s a time of self-reflection, encouraging positive changes and growth. As the year progresses, these resolutions serve as guiding lights, shaping the months ahead.

4. Making Noise and Music

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People celebrate this day by making a lot of noise with the music and their screams. They play the music, dance to it, and then sing it loudly to show their excitement and get the most out of the day, making it memorable. 

5. Watching Special Performances

New Year's Day 2024: A Celebration of Hope and Renewal

Many concerts and TV shows happen on New Year’s occasion. So, some people tend to watch them to celebrate the day.

That’s how the start of the year is celebrated across the globe. 


Start of the 2024 will be celebrated on 1st January 2024. And it’ll be celebrated like every year with many fireworks, illuminations, gatherings, parties and a lot of noise. So, prepare for it, and Happy New Year to you in Advance.

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